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UP Section

1. Digital Painting   - JISNI VARGHESE C - Second
2. Malayalam Typing - ABRAHAM K PRINCE - First 
3. IT Quiz  - ALEENA JOHNSON - First

HS section

1. Digital Painting - PRAVIN O V - Second
2. Multimedia Presentation - RIJIL K R - First
3. Web Page Designing - SANJAY K V - First
4. Malayalam Typing - JEFFIN GEORGE - First
5. IT Quiz - SREEJITH S KUMAR - First

HSS Section

1. Digital Painting - AMEENA HAMZA K V - Second
2. Web Page Designing - MUHAMMED SANOFAL K - First
3. IT Quiz - SREERAM C H - First

Overall Points

UP - 24013 - Bethany St. John`s E. M. H. S Kunnamkulam -  28 Points - First
HS - 24013 - Bethany St. John`s E. M. H. S Kunnamkulam - 48 Points - First
HSS24013 - Bethany St. John`s E. M. H. S Kunnamkulam - 29 Points - Second

Congratulation Guys --------- Work Hard for ur District Competition - Best of Luck....we really proud of u all